KS DB Merge Tools logo KS DB Merge Tools
AccdbMerge logo for MS Access
aka AccdbMerge
KS DB Merge Tools for Oracle logo
KS DB Merge Tools for MySQL logo
MssqlMerge logo
KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL logo
KS DB Merge Tools for SQLite logo
KS DB Merge Tools for Cross-DBMS logo

App Shortcuts - Which App Do I Need?

The AccdbMerge application includes several executable files. These files are available as shortcuts in the Windows menu, and at first glance, this variety may cause confusion.

AccdbMerge (32-bit) shorcuts are supposed to be used with 32-bit version of Microsoft Access, and AccdbMerge (64-bit) needs to be used with 64-bit Microsoft Access. Otherwise you will get corresponding error message in the database open progress. If none of 32-bit or 64-bit version works and progress displays errors comminicating with Access, then most likely Access component registration is broken and you need to do a full (not quick!) repair of Microsoft Office application.

Compatibility mode shortcuts are useful if any debugger/profiler software is installed on your computer that includes the COR_ENABLE_PROFILING system environment variable. The AccdbMerge application's protection mechanism will prevent it from running in such an environment. Compatibility mode shortcuts disable the COR_ENABLE_PROFILING variable for the AccdbMerge application.

Last updated: 2024-12-27