This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.
This website does not use any cookies. SQLite online diff tool is using IndexedDB to process DB files. It is not a cookie but in some cases IndexedDB can depend on cookie settings. In addition, in order to generate diff results, that tool sends information about database schema to the application backend online services. This information may be collected in application logs and used to improve that tool and other KS DB Merge Tools applications. That tool does not send your data anywhere, it remains in your web browser.
All our desktop applications are dealing with databases which can contain sensitive information that you want to process carefully. All the data processing performed by these applications: schema and data retrieval and comparison, synchronization script generation and appliance - all this happens only on the computer where the application is installed. All the database schema and data processing logic is fully located on that computer, no our online services are used to generate diff and merge results for our desktop applications. Also we don't use any kind of background telemetry that would gather and send us information about your activity or your database data.
We don't use any kind of dynamic logic or components that can be changed or downloaded to your system after installation. All the components are included into the installation package and installed on your computer. We don't have automatic software upgrades that can change software components after installation. Check for updates, if enabled, just notifies you about the new software version and provides you the link to download the new version installation package.
However our desktop applications have some auxiliary functions like error reporting or checking for updates which may need access to our online services. All such kinds of features are under your control, none of them required to perform the primary functionality related to database comparison. All these features are described in detail in the Privacy help section for each product:
In addition to information about online services, that section contains details on two other important topics related to your privacy: how our applications process database credentials and what kind of resources are used by our applications.
Online Table Diff uses our online services to generate diff results, however it does not accept data submitted by user, it remains in the browser. We gather only request summary information - counts of rows, mapping items of each type, requested filter and result counts. However, information about these requests can be collected by AWS, our online services provider (see 'Amazon Web Services' section of this policy).
JSONPath Test Tool uses our online services to process actions 'Caret to Query', 'SelectToken' and 'SelectTokens'. We do not gather your information, particularly the JSON document body and JSONPath queries. However, information about these requests can be collected by AWS, our online services provider (see 'Amazon Web Services' section of this policy).
We use Zoho Mail for our primary email addresses and notifications about order processing. This means that our email communication will be stored on their servers. Zoho's privacy policy is available here:
Emails sent to our subsidiary email addresses are forwarded to Zoho Mail using ImprovMX service, their privacy policy is available here:
Our website and all online services used by our applications are hosted by Amazon Web Services, Inc. ("AWS"), P.O. Box 81226, Seattle, WA 98108-1226, AWS collects information about their services usage. AWS privacy notice can be found at
Our website uses the SourceForge embeddable badge, loaded externally on certain pages. SourceForge may collect information about its usage. SourceForge is owned by Slashdot Media, LLC (California, U.S.), and their cookies and privacy policies can be found at .
Any personal information received during order processing will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute your information to anyone. Payments are handled externally by one of our payment processing partners:
We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy. Any significant changes will be communicated through this website.
For questions or concerns regarding your privacy using our products and website, please contact us at
Last updated: 2025-01-29