KS DB Merge Tools logo KS DB Merge Tools
database diff & merge
KS DB Merge Tools for Oracle logo
KS DB Merge Tools for MySQL logo
MssqlMerge logo
KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL logo
KS DB Merge Tools for SQLite logo
AccdbMerge logo
KS DB Merge Tools for Cross-DBMS logo
KS DB Merge Tools All-In-One license
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We would like to thank a lot of people for their feedback, suggestions, products and libraries, and any other help, in no particular order.

It would not be possible to make our products without great database management systems they are designed for. Thanks a lot to their authors and companies evolving these products.

Thanks a lot to those who spend their time to provide us with any kind of feedback. Your issue reports and suggestions are helping us to build better products. Your feedback makes us believe that we are doing something really useful.

Thanks a lot to Microsoft for providing us with great development tools, all our products are made with Visual Studio Community Edition.

Thanks a lot to open source contributors who share their work for others. Each product installation has a ThirdPartyNotices.txt file referencing all these libraries and their license terms. In turn we are happy to provide free licenses for the Standard versions of our tools for those who participate in the active development of the significant open-source project.

Thanks a lot to Amazon Web Services, an amazing platform used to host this website. A number of other services are used for our development process and application online features. And it was a really huge support to provide us with an Activate Founders credit when it was really necessary.

Thanks a lot for FatCow icons provided under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (their primary linkback seems to be unavailable as of April 2023).

Thanks a lot to pingability.com for their free monitoring plan. It was a great help for us a few years ago while we were searching for a suitable hosting. And even today when we are on the stable AWS, this service is still used for insurance.