KS DB Merge Tools logo KS DB Merge Tools
database diff & merge
AccdbMerge logo for MS Access
aka AccdbMerge
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What's New

1.33.1, 2025-03-19

- Free & Standard: Log DAO connection errors to the application error log
- Standard: Data diff - fix 0x80004003 null reference error on export all pages in case if 'Use Access DB Engine' is enabled (https://github.com/KS-DB-Merge-Tools/Issues/issues/14)
- Standard: Text diff - new 'Show line numbers' toggle
- Standard: Script Editor - add 32/64 bit toggle
- Standard: Script Editor - if opened with 'Generate automation script stub', determine if a call was from 32 or 64 bit AccdbMerge and use corresponding cmd runner to check and run script
- Standard: Script Editor - open with a script demo
- Standard: Command line tool - add current thread ID to the log on app start

1.33.0, 2025-02-18

- Free & Standard: Zoom and full screen buttons moved to the separate panel at the end of toolbar
- Free & Standard: Merge data warning dialog - minor layout changes
- Standard: Scripting / Automation support, new tools: AccdbMergeCmd/AccdbMergeCmd64 to run and Script Editor application to simplify creation and troubleshooting of scripts
- Standard: Generate script stub button for Data diff, Batch data diff and Query result diff

1.32.1, 2024-12-27

- Free & Standard: Database open options dialog - new configuration for linked tables and pass-through queries
- Free & Standard: Find tab - tables and queries search - exclude pseudo-SQL comments not containing information related to objects
- Free & Standard: Msi - removed Uninstall from Windows menu
- Free & Standard: Msi - in Windows menu product page is replaced with 'Which app do I need' help page
- Free & Standard: 32-bit explicitely shown in Windows menu and app title
- Standard: Database open options dialog - fix ignored im/ex specs on all/none
- Standard: Database open options dialog - add db properties
- Standard: Database open options dialog - redesign (title, control groups, some labels updated)
- Standard: Settings - new configuration for linked tables and pass-through queries
- Standard: Settings - rearrange 'File open' tab, move Confirmation checkbox to the separate group
- Standard: Open protected files dialog - fix invalid open to the left of single first file specified as right

1.32.0, 2024-12-04

- Free & Standard: Pro renamed to Standard
- Free & Standard: Data diff - fix broken diff for SQL Server linked tables
- Free & Standard: Database open, reading pass-through queries without saved password - ask for password only once per connection, don't ask again after cancel; don't ask at all for non-ReturnsRecords queries
- Free & Standard: Object list - mark pass-through queries (same way as linked tables)
- Free & Standard: Don't apply SQL intent for pass-through queries (it was made to help with query builder generated mess)
- Free & Standard: EULA updated (removed redundant statement regarding terminal)
- Pro: Settings: new tab 'Query Definition Diff' with 'Ignore connection string' option, enabled by default to keep previous behavior
- Pro: Query definition - include Connect property if new settings corresponding settings option disabled

1.31.2, 2024-10-18

- Free & Pro: Verified compatibility with Access 2024
- Pro: Json export (in addition to Xlsx, 'Export' toolbar button icon and tooltip updated respectively)
- Pro: Settings, Misc tab - Reports section updated to specify default export format (xlsx/json)

1.31.1, 2024-08-28

- Free & Pro: Toolbar - merge/delete tooltips updated according to the docs and to the actual behavior (merge/delete to the left with Shift key, not depending on active grid)
- Free & Pro: Object list - removed merge/delete to the left on Ctrl+M / Ctrl+D if the right grid is active (according to the docs, for unification with other tools)
- Free & Pro: Object list - 'Replace' action tooltips updated according to the actual behavior (depending on active grid, regardless of Shift key, Ctrl+Shift+R shortcut is used for Refresh)
- Free & Pro: Support email changed back to support@db-merge-tools.net (agreement, activation dialog)
- Pro: Text diff - Fix 'Index out of range' unexpected error on switching to new/changed and then to module only for forms/reports without module (https://github.com/KS-DB-Merge-Tools/Issues/issues/8)
- Pro: Data diff - fix 'Index out of range' unexpected error on next/last change for tables without common key and with result truncated by paging

1.31.0, 2024-08-02

- Free & Pro: Object list, Data diff, Text diff and Query result diff tabs - totals panel redesign: highlight counts of currenlty shown items according to the new/changed filters, other layout updates
- Free & Pro: Data diff - new toggle to show list of selected columns, disabled by default
- Free & Pro: Home tab - new button indicating that list of shown object types is reduced to show those which have new/changed items, suggesting to remove this filter (appears only in appropriate case)
- Free & Pro: Fix cases of splash screen jump for non-100% system display scale
- Pro: Home, Object list, Data diff, Text diff and Query result diff tabs - new Unchanged total count
- Pro: New 'Show only unchanged' toolbar button, applicable for Home, Object list, Data diff and Query result diff tabs
- Pro: New 'Last change below' and 'First change above' toolbar buttons, applicable for Object list, Data diff, Text diff, Query result diff, Batch data diff and Table structure diff tabs
- Pro: Home - disable object type title if type was disabled in Settings or in 'Database open options' on database open
- Pro: Batch data diff - click on Custom Query new/changed - open Query result diff with appropriate filter

1.30.0, 2024-07-09

- Free & Pro: Activation dialog - fix typo in the 'Information about current license'
- Free & Pro: What's new tab - fix typo in the 'Information about current license'
- Pro: Change format of diff profile files, suggest convertion to the new format on load
- Pro: Diff profile editor - new 'Data slices' section
- Pro: Diff profile editor - 'Show in Batch data diff' option for table mappings and queries
- Pro: Diff profile editor - 'Created' column and sorting on all columns in all grids
- Pro: Batch data diff - options to show 'Custom mappings' and 'Custom queries' from diff profile
- Pro: Batch data diff - 'Create data slice' command
- Pro: Batch data diff - Data slice mode to show data slice, comparing to the regular mode it has data slice name in the tab header, different tab icon and removed 'Create data slice' command
- Pro: Batch data diff - minor performance improvement for large amount of tables
- Pro: Custom data diff - allow to save to diff profile mappings for different tables, title changed to 'Save to diff profile and use by default' for same tables and 'Save to diff profile' in other cases
- Pro: Query result diff - ask for diff profile title on save

1.29.1, 2024-05-24

- Free & Pro: Home tab - allow to drag & drop database and *.acdms files (dragging to any other tab will open Home tab, n/a if any dialog opened)
- Pro: Open protected files dialog - allow to drag & drop files to file name text boxes (databases and *.mdw files)
- Pro: Query result diff tab - fix default focus on query text

1.29.0, 2024-05-17

- Free & Pro: Cache potentially large object definitions on disk instead of memory; for forms, reports, modules and macros; and fix related 'out of memory' on database open without compression
- Free & Pro: Use local cache folder for SaveAsText/LoadFromText items during database open and merge/delete
- Free & Pro: Syntax highlight for macros and forms/reports layout
- Free & Pro: Check for local cache folder existence on startup
- Free & Pro: Find tab - fix default focus on search textbox
- Free & Pro: Fixes related to quitting Access application
- Pro: Initial support for Database properties (taken from CurrentDb.Properties, diff only)
- Pro: Settings - All/None/Invert selection for object types
- Pro: Settings - validate that at least one object type is selected
- Pro: Settings - new Macros group on Text Diff tab with option 'Ignore header noise', behaves similar to 'Ignore layout noise' option for forms and reports
- Pro: Text diff - rename 'Ignore form/layout noise' to 'Ignore form/layout/macro noise' and make available for Macros
- Pro: Settings - remove 'Forms & reports definitions compression' group (functionality replaced with local cache on disk)
- Pro: Improved stability of processing VBA password
- Free: Text diff - fix missing syntax highlight on switching to module-only mode for forms and reports
- Free: Text diff - fix missing changes in background highlight on switching text diff options

1.28.5, 2024-05-04

- Pro: Data diff - Export all pages confirmation dialog
- Pro: Settings - 'Export all pages' data diff settings
- Pro: Data diff - fix Excel export of dbDate values
- Pro: Query result diff - fix hang on getting result with multivalue/attachment data
- Pro: Query result diff - fix unexpected error on cancellation
- Pro: Batch data diff, 'Generate report on Run' - include all columns in table-specific sheets (not only common ones)
- Pro: Fix missing tab hourglass icon on long operations, where applicable
- Pro: Excel exports without asking for file name - remove hour glass before report completion notification

1.28.4, 2024-04-06

- Free & Pro: Home - fix bug 'Open single database, Refresh, and other side loaded with the same DB instead of refresh'
- Free & Pro: SQL syntax highlight - recognize multiline strings
- Free & Pro: What's new - enable word wrap for list of changes to avoid horizontal scroll for long items
- Free & Pro: Text diff - change line numbers to dark-gray to avoid visual confusion with actual text
- Free & Pro: Fix focus on selected tab, switching between data diff tabs and clicking Refresh could produce selection of some other previously focused tab
- Free & Pro: Data diff - add 'Click to sort by this column' column tooltip where applicable
- Pro: Data diff - ability to compare string values in the separate text diff tab: fix lost indication (arrows) after paging
- Pro: Data diff - ability to compare string values in the separate text diff tab: change indication from arrows to triangles
- Pro: Data diff - ability to compare string values in the separate text diff tab: add 'Click to compare value in the Text diff' tooltip
- Pro: Query result diff - fix cases of missing first row selection on Run (and therefore fix missing bottom row grid)
- Pro: Query result diff - clear previous result on subsequent Run
- Pro: Query result diff - handle properly cases when only one side result is available (error on other side, other side returned no table result)
- Pro: Query result diff - error text word wrap, ability to copy, and some other layout updates
- Pro: Text diff - new 'Show tabs and spaces' toggle
- Pro: Text diff - new bottom line implementation, with selectable text and fixed tabulation width

1.28.3, 2024-03-26

- Free & Pro: Data diff, Query result diff - fix false-positive changes caused by internal approximacy for dbSingle and dbDouble
- Free & Pro: EULA updated (divided into sections, more information and clarifications)
- Pro: Data diff - Allow to compare string values in the separate text diff tab (the up-right arrow near column name in the bottom grid, useful for multiline values)
- Pro: Query result diff - fix unexpected error on compare by row number then click result column name to sort
- Pro: Custom data diff - fix validation of sorting on more than one non-key column

1.28.2, 2024-03-12

- Free & Pro: Data merge/delete progress completion - mark 'with errors' message with red
- Free & Pro: Data merge/delete progress - add 'Open log' action to open detailed log on progress completion
- Free & Pro: VBA syntax highlight - add 'Not' to the keyword list
- Pro: Text diff - change Expand above/below links to folding sections (and fix some syntax highlight issues if it shows new/changed lines)
- Pro: Text diff - if show only new/changed lines, do not hide block containing only one line
- Pro: Text diff - show 'Additional lines' configuration directly in tab and remove it from Settings
- Pro: Processing of MDW-protected files - kill MS Access process if it was not released gracefully after database close
- Pro: Batch data diff - 'Copy all' and 'Open log' database progress actions appearing on merge/delete completion

1.28.1, 2024-02-29

- Free & Pro: SQL syntax highlight - highlight identifiers and numbers, reduced list of keywords to the most generally used
- Free & Pro: VBA Syntax highlight - update and reduce list of keywords, recognize strings, numbers and square-brackets identifiers
- Free & Pro: Disable syntax highlight for macros, forms and reports layout and layout+module modes
- Free & Pro: Splash screen
- Free & Pro: Updated application binary protection
- Free & Pro: App settings folder changed to %APPDATA%\AccdbMerge (without trailing '\Pro')
- Free & Pro: Data merge/delete progress - save detailed log to the temporary file for better performance
- Free & Pro: Data diff - use the same fonts in the merge/delete progress as in other places
- Free & Pro: Data diff - 'Copy all' database progress actions appearing on merge/delete completion
- Free & Pro: Fix 'Full screen' toggle state if changed by F11
- Free & Pro: Fix 'It is an expired trial key' key entry error presentation
- Pro: Settings - new 'Local temp folder' configuration on the Misc tab
- Pro: Custom data diff - fix broken paging on setting up sort order for more than one key
- Pro: Custom data diff - deny sorting on more than one non-key column (not supported)
- Pro: Custom data diff - minor layout adjustments
- Pro: Data diff - on merge/delete, fix ignored enabled 'merge all pages' setting if both 'no backup' and 'merge all pages' confirmations are disabled
- Pro: Batch data merge/delete progress - save detailed log to the temporary file for better performance
- Pro: Batch data diff - do not close merge/delete progress on completion (same as in data diff)
- Pro: Fix cases of broken Ctrl+C in the new text viewer/editor (Query result diff, etc.)

1.28.0, 2024-02-13

- Free & Pro: Initial syntax highlight in the Text diff, Object list text preview and Query result diff
- Free & Pro: Ability to switch to the full screen, with F11 shortcut
- Free & Pro: Home tab - 'Copy all' database progress actions appearing in case of errors
- Pro: Batch data merge dialog - minor label and layout fixes, Alt hotkeys

1.27.2, 2023-12-18

- Free & Pro: Home tab - fix truncation of long file paths in the recent database list
- Pro: Home tab - indicate that recent database requires password entry (was opened by password without saved password)
- Pro: Opening db with save password if other side loaded and has no saved saved password - fix invalid save password for both (and the same for unsaved password)
- Pro: Recent database open if only the right side has no saved password - fix focus on password in the opened dialog
- Pro: Settings dialog - backup on merge/delete objects settings on the Misc. tab, ability to disable backup or making zips
- Pro: Settings dialog - replace obsolete 'Project tab' with 'Home tab' in some labels

1.27.1, 2023-11-13

- Pro: Home tab - fix cases of 'different protection types' unexpected error on 'open both' from recent list
- Pro: Disable parallel opening for mdw-protected vs non-protected database pair (non-protected could fail with 'cast to ApplicationClass' error), update corresponding comments on the Settings dialog
- Pro: Open protected files dialog - specify security type and mdw per side
- Pro: Open protected files dialog - remove 'Has VBA password' checkbox - it's not necessary to specify password, text boxes are enough
- Pro: Unsaved password prompt on opening recent item - fix focus on password control if 'Display passwords' is enabled
- Pro: Remember recent pair as 'use the same..' if it has same security type, mdw, user and all passwords (previously it was checking user and passwords only)
- Pro: Query key fields dialog - restore broken 'Save to diff profile' option
- Pro: Batch data diff - fix invalid 'Change columns' = No for the case of new column(s) in the left DB without other changes

1.27.0, 2023-08-31

- Free & Pro: Initial support for data macros (as part of table definitions, merge/delete as a whole list)
- Free & Pro: Fix occasional 'Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has not been shown previously' unexpected error for basic dialogs
- Free & Pro: Improved logic of changes invalidation after objects merge and refresh
- Free & Pro: Fix app crash on unknown error during dialog open
- Free & Pro: Instance id unification with the rest of KS DB Merge Tools
- Pro: Support for import/export specifications
- Pro: Support for All-in-one license
- Pro: Home tab - Add 'Show in folder' for recent database items
- Pro: Fix 'You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property Visible' on opening accde from non-trusted location
- Pro: Compare tables with indexes by default (existing users will keep current option value)
- Pro: Fix 'Cannot call StartAt' unknown error on Batch data diff -> click on view name -> compare data
- Pro: Fix and encrypt command line passwords on opening database in the new app instance
- Pro: Relations - minor text preview adjustments to unify with table definitions changes for data macros
- Free: Do not load USysRibbons table definition

1.26.0, 2023-07-03

- Free & Pro: Update code sign certificate (may cause smart screen warnings)
- Free & Pro: Home tab, database open - 'Close both' progress action (useful if both progresses have errors)
- Free & Pro: Data diff tab - show italic NULL text for NULLs in columns with 'visual match' mapping (which have a gray background color, was just nothing before)
- Pro: Batch data diff, merge new and changed - add option to delete target rows missing in source
- Pro: Batch data diff - populate startup data in the background and fix occasional DispatcherUnhandledException unexpected error for large lists
- Pro: Object list - show selected count only if something selected
- Free: Allow to drop and merge new only table definitions, mark them as MERGE NEW ONLY on the Home tab and update tooltip text for that mark
- Free: Data diff - show total counts in the top panel
- Free: Object list - show counts in the top panel
- Free: Text diff - show counts in the top panel
- Free: Data merge/delete 'all page rows selected' confirmation warning - add clarification that other pages are not going to be processed

1.25.1, 2023-04-01

- Free & Pro: Handle settings reading error on app start
- Free & Pro: Unknown error dialog - minor label adjustments
- Free & Pro: Updated 'repair Office' database open failure error
- Pro: Fix potential diff side swap when using mdw and one of processed DBs keeps running as lost Access process
- Pro: Fix cases of non-applied vba password
- Pro: Open protected files dialog - tab order fixes and minor layout adjustments
- Pro: Open protected files dialog - 'Save passwords' option
- Pro: Open protected files dialog - 'Encrypt passwords' option for *.acdms files
- Pro: Don't use parallel loading if same file opened for both sides
- Pro: Don't use parallel loading for files with database and/or vba password (but still can be applied for mdw-protected files)
- Pro: What's new - 'license key is not valid for this update' notice
- Pro: Custom data diff - fix unknown error on specifying the same column twice (as left without pair vs right without pair)
- Pro: Home tab - make 'Run in Access' available for mdw-protected files (opens with link to specified workgroup but without login)
- Pro: Settings - update comments for background processing
- Pro: Query result diff - add result error tooltip showing the whole error text (useful if error is truncated)

1.25.0, 2023-02-22

- Free & Pro: New objects merge and delete confirmation dialogs for Object list and Table structure diff tabs
- Free & Pro: Open database(s) icon updated to be the same as on the Home tab (without 'plus')
- Free & Pro: Home tab - recent databases, opening DBs from toolbar one by one - fix invalid left side progress for the second DB
- Free & Pro: Home tab - new 'Delete this pair from recent database list' button
- Free & Pro: Keyboard shortcuts - make right panel merge/delete shortcuts in accordance with documentation, as Ctrl+Shift+M/D (was without Shift before)
- Free & Pro: Generate table definitions pseudo-SQL which is used to view table definition in Free, to navigate from search both for Free and Pro and for object list text preview in Pro
- Free & Pro: Apply zoom to almost all dialogs (except unknown error and initial activation dialog)
- Free & Pro: Object list - more details in the replace confirmation dialog
- Free & Pro: If merge/delete action fails with error reported by Access - change progress action from Cancel to Close
- Free & Pro: Collapsed database file name path - show full path in tooltip (where missing, before it was done only for Recent file list)
- Free & Pro: Activation dialog - more responsive processing of trial retreival, disable OK during execution to fix 'DialogResult can be set only after..' occasional error
- Free & Pro: Activation dialog - minor label and layout adjustments, change support email to use the new ksdbmerge.tools domain
- Free & Pro: Check for updates - change requested url to use the new ksdbmerge.tools domain
- Free & Pro: Data merge warning dialog - show action (merge/delete) and target DB, minor layout adjustments
- Free & Pro: *.adp/*ade files support discontinued
- Free & Pro: EULA minor adjustments regarding location
- Pro: Object list - ability to merge table changes without table replace (except linked tables which will have to be replaced)
- Pro: Object list - allow bottom text preview for table definitions, relations and references
- Pro: Fix identification of changed relations and references
- Pro: Relations pseudo-sql text presentation for object list text preview and find result
- Pro: References text presentation for object list text preview and find result
- Pro: Significantly improved performance of 'Ignore layout noise', taking most of 'Calculating changes' db loading phase for forms and reports
- Pro: Batch data diff - fix hang on calculating all changes in 'Use Access DB engine' mode
- Pro: Batch data diff - parallel execution (without 'Use Access DB engine' and reports), indicate progress execution in counts rather than progress text popup
- Pro: Batch data diff - minor label adjustments
- Pro: Table structure diff - ability to merge field type/size change
- Pro: Table structure diff - ability to merge decimal field definitions, get precision and scale from ADO if not provided by DAO
- Pro: Table structure diff - ability to merge DateTime Extended field definitions
- Pro: Table structure diff - allow merge only if any new/changed/moved items selected and process only these items
- Pro: Table structure diff - fix some bad 'can merge' validations for indexes and relations
- Pro: Table structure diff - if no other side table, ability to merge selected items into the new table on other side
- Pro: Table structure diff - on merge/delete fix some issues of invalid update of tables and relations on Home tab and in opened Object list tabs
- Pro: Query result diff - allow any query text, including INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE and DDL statements
- Pro: Query result diff - cache query result in-memory, use it on show all/new/changed without DB calls
- Pro: Query result diff - 'Column mapping' button allowing to change mapping and sorting without database reading (in-memory)
- Pro: Query result diff - remove paging
- Pro: Query result diff - show execution time measured on AccdbMerge side
- Pro: Query result diff - hide per page counts, show selected counts only if any row selected
- Pro: Data diff - show selected counts only if any row selected
- Pro: Data diff - fix 'key not found' error on using non-applicable diff profile mapping, ignore such mappings
- Pro: Parallel database open - improved progress completion responsiveness
- Pro: 'Load field properties' medium performance improvement
- Free: Deny table definition deletion, it is DIFF ONLY

1.24.3, 2023-01-13

- Free & Pro: Msi - allow per-user installation, without UAC confirmation and Administrator privileges (upgrade from per-machine to per-user still requires Administrator privileges to uninstall previous per-machine version)
- Free & Pro: Msi - change images to application icon
- Free & Pro: Fix merge action shortcut tooltips (mixed up left/right active grid)
- Free & Pro: Object list - don't re-create unchanged objects on merge
- Free & Pro: Object list - allow merge only if there are any new or changed item (deny if all items are unchanged)
- Pro: Msi - remove KEYLOCATION parameter
- Pro: Object list - DL (foreign key dependency level) column for tables with configurable visibility
- Pro: Batch data diff - DL columns (foreign key dependency level)
- Pro: Custom data diff - allow window resize/minimize/maximize

1.24.2, 2022-12-21

- Free & Pro: Data diff and merge - better handling of the most typical failures (db open, query creation and rowset open)
- Free & Pro: Data diff - special handling of 0x800A0BF5 'Too few parameters. Expected N.' error with advise to refresh object definitions
- Free & Pro: Data diff - fix sorting in the right panel on columns having case-sensitive changes
- Free & Pro: Object list - fix swapped progress panels on Refresh
- Pro: Table structure diff - show Precision and Scale for decimals, if provided by Access (however decimal fields are still not mergeable due to the lack of DAO support)

1.24.1, 2022-12-08

- Free & Pro: Data diff - case-insensitive primary key column match
- Pro: Fix 'Sequence contains no matching element' on table import with data
- Pro: On existing table import remove target table relations (otherwise table is not deleted), add corresponding statement to the confirmation dialog
- Pro: Table structure diff - Update scroll background and reset selection (and bottom row) after merge/delete
- Pro: Table structure diff - Case-insensitive match by name
- Pro: Batch data diff - Select row with single click (like in object list and data diff, instead of double)
- Pro: Batch data diff - Fix calculation of Total+New for the case of Common key = No (was SQL error before)
- Pro: Handle copy to clipboard error (clipboard can be busy with some other app, https://stackoverflow.com/a/68857/282694)

1.24.0, 2022-11-30

- Free & Pro: Update hyperlinks, grids, text, selection look & feel
- Free & Pro: Object list - object name hyperlink tooltips
- Free & Pro: Data diff - add 'Page'/'Paging' label
- Free & Pro: Toolbar online help button
- Pro: Scroll background changes indication - more pale colors, fixed Changed indication in the object list
- Pro: Query key fields and Custom data diff dialogs - case-insensitive column match
- Pro: Data diff, Excel export - output signed and unsigned byte-sized numbers as numbers, not as text
- Pro: Settings - Database open/reload label adjustments
- Free: Data diff paging and page merge confirmation
- Free: Data diff - remove limitation on number of columns and key definition
- Free: Home tab - allow show new/all/changed

1.23.2, 2022-11-08

- Free & Pro: New app icon
- Free & Pro: Database open - ignore temp file cleanup failure (was 'Unknown error' before)
- Free & Pro: Data diff - fix rare occasional ArgumentOutOfRangeException on open (was 'Unknown error' before)
- Free & Pro: Unknown error dialog - add 'recommended' for option 'Send error report and close'
- Free & Pro: Improve action logs for 'Unknown error' reports (merge/delete actions, table structure diff item selection)

2022-10-01 important note

Access DAO availability is broken again in Access version 2209. Since it is not available for AccdbMerge, you may get 'The operating system is not presently configured to run this application' error on data diff. More information on the Microsoft Tech Community here, see comments from Sep 30. As a temporary solution from AccdbMerge side that does not require any actions with Office - you can enable 'Use DB Engine from Access Application' toggle in the toolbar.

1.23.1, 2022-08-08

- Free & Pro: Read DB objects in UI thread by default to provide more stable communication with Access (like it was in v 1.20.x and lower)
- Free & Pro: Database loading - reduce object reference errors in case if Access fails to return some objects
- Pro: Settings - new option 'Background processing of database loading'

1.23.0, 2022-07-01

- Free & Pro: Show database open progress errors on the fly instead of accumulation
- Free & Pro: License Info dialog - after trial/full key submission keep app in the pure Free mode until restart (previously some Pro features could become partially available and cause some errors)
- Pro: Home tab - add 'Diff profiles' section
- Pro: New tab - Diff profile editor, opened by click on loaded diff profile status on the Home tab
- Pro: Custom data diff - add 'Save to diff profile' option
- Pro: Query key columns dialog - add 'Save to diff profile' option
- Pro: Query result diff - 'Save to diff profile' option
- Pro: Batch data diff - calculate new/changed counts for views with keys defined in the diff profile
- Pro: Batch data diff - 'Common primary key' renamed to 'Common key' and now includes keys defined in the diff profile
- Pro: Custom data diff - minor label adjustments
- Pro: Batch data diff - optimize "new only" calculation
- Free: Allow to compare multivalue, attachment and binary fields

1.22.3, 2022-04-17

- Free & Pro: Unknown error dialog - 'Close' renamed to 'Close w/o report', added 'Close app'
- Free & Pro: Find tab - Find button moved to the left and F5 shortcut added (similar to Batch and Query data diffs)
- Pro: Batch data diff - add Error column to show calculation error if any (in addition to execution progress panel)
- Pro: Object list - Relations - grayed out row selection replaced with merge/delete deny reason tooltip
- Pro: Table structure diff - cases of grayed out row selection are replaced with merge/delete deny reason tooltip
- Pro: Object list - show object boolean properties as Yes/No instead of checkbox, to unify with the rest of UI
- Pro: Data diff - reset selected count on page change
- Pro: Find tab - Handle regex parsing error without Unknown error dialog
- Free: Object list - 'Compare two selected items' hidden for tables

1.22.2, 2022-04-07

- Free & Pro: add 'Compatibility Mode' application shortcut to start with COR_ENABLE_PROFILING=0 environment variable (to avoid conflicts with profilers)
- Free & Pro: avoid double 'Warn about Access windows' dialog prompt when open two files in parallel
- Free & Pro: Text diff - highlight in yellow lines with ignored case-insensitive or whitespace changes
- Pro: Query result diff - show query execution erros as result overlay instead of message box
- Pro: Query result diff, when single db opened - fix nullref on single query run, forse query split and run both only against opened DB
- Pro: Object list, Query result diff - bottom grid - reduce a bit header height to make inner horizontal border more visible
- Pro: Object list - use same Name width for References and Relations as for other object types

1.22.1, 2022-03-04

- Free & Pro: Add ThirdPartyNotices.txt file to the installation folder
- Pro: Generate xlsx reports without use of Excel, improve report generation performance
- Pro: Settings - Appearance tab renamed to Misc, added new options for ambiguous object names and reports
- Pro: Custom data diff - show mapping type and sorting as radio-button to change them in single click

1.22.0, 2022-02-22

- Free & Pro: Home/Project tab redesign
- Free & Pro: Home/Project tab - Close other tabs, updated Close icon for other tabs
- Free & Pro: Home/Project tab - Show DIFF ONLY marks for Table definitions in Free and References in Pro
- Free & Pro: Header panel redesign for Find tab, Batch data diff and Query result diff tabs
- Free & Pro: Handle 'The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist' error properly during DB loading
- Free & Pro: 'Warn about Access windows' dialog updated (both text and image)
- Free & Pro: Text diff - fix occasionally missing underscore on some display settings
- Pro: Home/Project tab - new 'Show in folder' action
- Pro: Query result diff - set default to No mapping
- Pro: Query result diff - fix text diff defaults (were not taken from Settings)
- Pro: Custom data diff - change 'project' -> 'database'
- Pro: Data diff - remove old logic on using unique indexes by default if there is no compatible primary key (it was invalid for Required=No fields, and this change made table definitions loading faster)
- Pro: Batch data diff - replace Common Key and Primary Key columns with single Common primary key
- Pro: Batch data diff - object name click - open Table structure diff for tables, indented Text diff for queries
- Pro: Batch data diff - jump next/prev change - scroll grid if to make row visible if necessary
- Pro: Object list - add 'Open in Query result diff' action for table definitions and views
- Pro: Table structure diff - add 'Open in Query result diff' action
- Free: Limit number of opened Find tabs

1.21.0, 2022-02-10

- Free & Pro: Table structure diff - new UI with collapsible groups, bottom grid for selected row (Pro) and common scrollbar with changes highlight (Pro)
- Free & Pro: Table structure diff - highlight in yellow 'moved' fields (with changed order)
- Free & Pro: Table structure diff - unify presentation of boolean flags as Yes/No (earier it could be also True/False or checkbox)
- Free & Pro: Table structure diff - show properly type Data/Time Extended (as dbDateExtended instead of 26)
- Free & Pro: Improve performance of DB loading: background processing, load two files in parallel (from toolbar or from recent list)
- Free & Pro: File open progress - add one more 'Calculating changes..' step
- Free & Pro: Improve Access non-availability handling
- Free & Pro: Project tab - align Recent list, truncate long paths
- Free & Pro: Project tab - truncate long file name
- Free & Pro: Object lists - highlight Created/Modified dates of changed objects as yellow (color of ignored change) instead of red to indicate that date is not the reason of considering object as changed
- Free & Pro: Data diff - improved error handling of corrupted/unavailable data
- Pro: Table structure diff - changed presentation of 'Linked table' section
- Pro: Table structure diff - 'Hide empty field properties' option
- Pro: Table structure diff - recognize more values for DisplayControl property (like "Check box")
- Pro: Table structure diff - field merge failure - include last processed property name
- Pro: Table structure diff - Explicitely deny merge field of non-supported data types: Number Decimal (dbDecimal, previously it was producing invalid merge result) and Date/Time Extended (dbDateExtended, previously it was just failing)
- Pro: Table structure diff - Split relations to Parent and Child relations
- Pro: Table structure diff - Excel export: include linked table data, split relations to Parent and Child relations
- Pro: Table structure diff - allow batch selection
- Pro: Fix 'Object invalid or no longer set' error on merging more than one index
- Pro: Fix 'Object invalid or no longer set' error on merging more than one relation
- Pro: Project tab - new 'run in Access' action
- Pro: Relations (Object list and Table structure diff) - added Join property (INNER/LEFT/RIGHT)
- Free: Table structure diff - add 'Linked table' section

1.20.1, 2021-12-23

- Free & Pro: Activation dialog - allow to configure 'check for updates', updated some information
- Free & Pro: Project tab - change 'reload' label to 'refresh' and run action without closing other tabs
- Pro: Data diff - fix reversed order in 'copy to clipboard' result
- Pro: Object list text diff preview - fix disappearing scrollbar issue

1.20.0, 2021-11-25

- Free & Pro: Check for updates
- Free & Pro: Add Refresh action applicable for Project, Object list and Data diff tabs
- Free & Pro: Text diff - 'Ignore empty line' option
- Free & Pro: Error handling - fix invalid COM error on missing file
- Free & Pro: Error handling - recognize DB open failure caused by Access configured to run 'As Administrator'
- Free & Pro: Progress panel - highlight some processing errors in red and fix some issues with progress close on error
- Free & Pro: Fix some warnings about highest supported Access version
- Free & Pro: Replace 'support@accdbmerge.net' with 'support@db-merge-tools.net' in app and on the website
- Pro: Object list, Copy to clipboard - add column headers, remove selection column
- Pro: Data diff, Copy to clipboard - add column headers, remove selection column
- Pro: Query result diff, Copy to clipboard - add column headers, remove selection column
- Pro: Project tab - support 'Copy to clipboard'
- Pro: Text diff - 'Ignore empty line' setting

2021-10-18 important note

Verified compatibility with Office 2021 and Windows 11.

2021-08-09 important note

For those who is getting 'The operating system is not presently configured to run this application' error on data diff. That's a known issue of the Office version '16.0.14228.20204'. More information and work around from Microsoft here and a bit more with participation of AccdbMerge author here, see comments from Aug 03 and Aug 04. As a temporary solution from AccdbMerge side that does not require any actions with Office - you can enable 'Use DB Engine from Access Application' toggle in the toolbar.

1.19.0, 2021-07-28

- Free & Pro: Tab toolbar actions moved inside tab, into the panel splitter
- Free & Pro: Project tab - Tables renamed to Table definitions
- Free & Pro: Changed Table definitions icon
- Free & Pro: Enable legacyUnhandledExceptionPolicy to avoid crash after background thread error
- Free & Pro: Fix unknown error on opening invalid *.acdms file
- Free & Pro: Handle open help page failure
- Free & Pro: More usage of system control background color
- Free & Pro: Improve settings stability by using read/write retry attempts
- Free & Pro: Fix some cases of NullReferenceException on single project open in Project tab and single right project loaded object list
- Pro: Project tab - Show all/new/changed actions supported
- Pro: Text diff - Fix loading from command line
- Pro: Text diff - Fix NullReferenceException on view/query compare data

1.18.7, 2021-05-20

- Free & Pro: Updated instanceId algorithm to reduce collisions on trial registrations

1.18.6, 2021-05-18

- Free & Pro: 'Compare selected' option made available for Tables
- Free & Pro: Object list - allow selection of tables and references

1.18.5, 2021-04-19

- Free & Pro: Toolbar - showing tooltips on disabled buttons, with disable reason
- Free & Pro: Make deletion shortcut as Ctrl+D as mentioned by tooltip and help page
- Free & Pro: Object list - improve performance of show all/new/changed for large object lists
- Free & Pro: Object list - improve performance of batch selection for large object lists
- Free & Pro: Improve performance of database loading (final 'compare' stage)
- Free & Pro: Increase row heights of some grids (to be the same as for data diff)
- Pro: Table structure diff - hide 'compare data' actions if table exist only on one side (was causing unknown error)

1.18.4, 2021-03-15

- Free & Pro: DB engine error dialog simplified
- Free & Pro: Object list - fix unknown error on Ctrl+R shortcut
- Free & Pro: Database loading - suggest to check AccdbMerge & Access 32/64 bitness in case of 0x80029c4a error
- Pro: Text diff - 'Ignore form/layout version and checksum' renamed to 'Ignore form/layout noise and now also excludes NoSaveCTIWhenDisabled which can be multiplied
- Pro: Batch Data Diff - fix N/A Total for Total only calculation if 'Generate report' checked
- Pro: Batch Data Diff - control options and labels simplified
- Free: Data diff - fix truncation to 1000 rows on the first app run

1.18.3, 2021-03-01

- Free & Pro: Project tab - fix some cases of missing Changed and New+Changed counts for adp files
- Free & Pro: Project tab - fix some cases of missing Changed and New+Changed count resets on loading mde/accde/ade after mdb/accdb/adp

1.18.2, 2021-02-25

- Free & Pro: Fix app start failure caused by FIPS
- Free & Pro: Project reload dialog simplified
- Free & Pro: Focus on the opened tab content
- Pro: Data diff - added button to open table structure diff, 'Field mapping' changed to button
- Pro: Table structure diff - added buttons to compare data (all and new&changed)
- Pro: Text diff - added buttons to compare data for queries (all and new&changed)
- Pro: Query result diff - handle invalid queries (was causing unexpected error)
- Pro: 'Query key columns' and 'Custom data diff' dialogs: show any error raised during uniqueness check and suggest to enable 'Use DB Engine from Access application' for queries
- Pro: Custom data diff - fix failure caused by mapping duplicates

1.18.1, 2020-12-23

- Free & Pro: 'Warn about Access windows' dialog
- Free & Pro: Database objects merge/delete - handing and showing errors reported by Access in the progress popup (instead of unhandled exception)
- Free & Pro: Data diff - apply OS visual stypes for data diff grid, which can also fix potential AccessViolation errors related to tooltips
- Free & Pro: Data diff - mark key columns in headers
- Free & Pro: Fix parallel app start error 'The process cannot access the file Settings.xml because it is being used by another process.'
- Pro: Data diff - 'No comparison key(s)' and 'Sorting on non-key column(s)' result warnings
- Pro: Project tab - restore batch data diff actions for tables and queries

1.18.0, 2020-11-14

- Free & Pro: 64-bit executable added to msi, installed both x32 and x64
- Free & Pro: New instanceId algorithm (to reduce collisions), updated trial activation server and logic
- Free & Pro: DBE error dialog updated
- Free & Pro: Handling AccessViolationException if any
- Pro: Data diff - fix lost focus of grid on selection and jump previous/next from toolbar
- Pro: Project tab - export to Excel
- Pro: Project tab - 'from path in clipboard' action
- Pro: Fix 'unknown error dialog' on cancellation of project load from command line

1.17.2, 2020-10-18

- Pro: Text diff - ability to show new/changed lines only
- Free & Pro: Data diff - fix occasional ArgumentOutOfRangeException error on mouse scroll
- Free & Pro: Data diff - fix error on closing empty tab

1.17.1, 2020-10-11

- Pro: Data diff - fix failure on changed mappinig count in 'Field mapping' (was broken by 1.17.0)
- Pro: Data diff - fix copy to clipboard toolbar action (was broken by 1.17.0)

1.17.0, 2020-10-10

- Free & Pro: Min required .net framework version changed to 4.7.2, discontinued support of Window XP and Vista, min supported Windows version now Windows 7 SP1
- Free & Pro: Data diff - completely new grid controls to fix some coloring glitches on large grids
- Free & Pro: Data diff - reduce memory leaks
- Free & Pro: Data diff - showing blank triangles on sortable columns
- Free & Pro: Ability to cancel execution in progress modal (open files, merge, batch data diff)
- Free & Pro: Open databases progress - single progress modal for both opened files, wait for changes calculation
- Free & Pro: Showing progress on object deletion and table structure changes
- Pro: Data Diff, Object List - consider new items block from one side followed by new block on other side as a jump target for new/previous change actions
- Free: Data diff - allow to sort on single primary key column

1.16.2, 2020-07-23

- Free & Pro: Data diff - fix NULL redraw issue, could appear for non-NULL values

1.16.1, 2020-05-09

- Free & Pro: Suggest to repair Office on potentionally broken Access.Application COM object registration (was shown as unexpected NullReferenceException previously)
- Free & Pro: Don't show 'Unknown error' dialog for out-of-memory errors and valid application errors like missing internet connection on trial activation
- Free & Pro: Project tab - fixed recent right file action tooltips
- Pro: fix missing suggestion to merge all pages if current page (merge source or deletion target) has any deleted rows
- Free: compiled accde and mde files added to file filter in file open dialog

1.16.0, 2020-01-25

- Free & Pro: Data diff - show NULL values explicitely
- Free & Pro: Data diff - grid interaction performance improvements
- Free & Pro: Unknown error dialog
- Pro: fix some cases of data diff failures when only one project is loaded

1.15.4, 2020-01-10

- Free & Pro: Project tab - added 'Recent projects' bottom panel

1.15.3, 2019-07-18

- Free & Pro: online help on F1 keyboard shortcut
- Free & Pro: find tab - acceleration keys, Alt+S (search for), Alt+L (left project) Alt+R (right project), Alt+W (match whole word), Alt+C (match case), Alt+X (use regex)
- Free & Pro: minor tooltip text update for select all/none actions

1.15.2, 2019-07-12

- Free & Pro: fix broken 'ignore version and checksum' for reports
- Free & Pro: deny visual (not actual) object/row deletion from some data grids (object list, data diff, query result diff, table structure diff, custom data diff)
- Free & Pro: activation dialog - help text minor updates
- Free: Object list - hide top counts panel (was broken in 1.15.1)

1.15.1, 2019-06-25

- Pro: fix broken field properties loading (__ComObject error, was broken by 1.15.0)
- Free: object list - hide bottom panel (was broken by 1.15.0)

1.15.0, 2019-06-22

- Free & Pro: Improved project load and Access releasing stability, showing Access release action in progress popup
- Free & Pro: Tab icons
- Free & Pro: Project panel object type icons
- Free & Pro: Dynamic tab header width
- Free & Pro: Some tab-specific actions moved to the separate toolbar
- Pro: Object list - text diff preview in the bottom
- Pro: Settings - 'max tab header width' on Appearance tab

1.14.4, 2019-05-19

- Pro: Diff overview in scrollbar (for object list, data diff, text diff, batch data diff, query result diff, field list in table structure diff)
- Pro: Batch data diff - fix some jump prev/next issues related to sorting

1.14.3, 2019-03-23

- Pro: Batch data diff column sorting
- Free: remember 'Don't ask me again' for project reload dialog
- Free & Pro: DBE dialog minor updates

1.14.2, 2019-03-01

- Free & Pro: Exclude DBE 2010 from installation, provide more 2010 & 2016 download links
- Free & Pro: Data diff, Query result diff - better Access app dispose in 'Use DB engine from Access' mode
- Free & Pro: Project tab - 'reload' action
- Free & Pro: Project reload warning and options
- Free & Pro: Zoom button splinted into separate zoom in / zoom out buttons
- Free & Pro: Initial license window keyboard navigation improvements, updated Help text
- Free & Pro: Improved processing of unexpected failures
- Free & Pro: MSI: updated product name with default installation path (removed 'Pro'), updated website URL
- Pro: Command line - more password-protected arguments

1.14.1, 2019-01-15

- Pro: Batch data diff - report generation and access keys
- Pro: Query result diff - access keys
- Pro: 'Custom data diff' and 'Query key fields' dialogs - fix 'not unique' error message, it was showing 'left' both for left and right sides

1.14.0, 2018-10-25

- Free & Pro: Use Access application DB engine if no other available
- Free & Pro: 'Replace' and 'Compare selected' actions in object list (with limitations for tables, relations and references)
- Free & Pro: Project tab - use grid to show and highlight counts
- Free & Pro: Update accessibility warning with 2019 max version

1.12.2, 2018-10-14

- Pro: Quick filter (Alt+F) for Object List and Batch Data Diff

1.12.1, 2018-10-11

- Free & Pro: Data diff - 'Case insensitive' and 'Ignore whitespace' string compare options
- Pro: Field properties - removed Description added most of general (UnicodeCompression, IMEMode, IMESentenceMode, TextFormat, TextAlign, AppendOnly, ShowDatePicker) and all lookup (DisplayControl, RowSourceType, RowSource, BoundColumn, ColumnCount, ColumnHeads, ColumnWidths, ListRows, ListWidth, LimitToList, AllowMultipleValues, AllowValueListEdits, ListItemsEditForm, ShowOnlyRowSourceValues) properties
- Free & Pro: Table structure diff - freeze Name columns
- Pro: Query result diff - fixed broken query execution after fixed SQL error
- Pro: Show field properties if only one project loaded
- Pro: Table structure diff - fixed possible false diff detection in case of 'Compare field properties' option
- Pro: Query result diff - disable show new/changed and selection actions if there is no result
- Free & Pro: Data diff - fix error on row selection column click
- Free & Pro: minor progress frame appearance improvements

1.12.0, 2018-08-01

- Free & Pro: Main window zoom
- Free & Pro: Show all dialogs centered by main application window
- Pro: Settings -> Table Structure Diff: "Compare indexes" option
- Pro: Consider index as changed if it has changed Primary/Unique/IgnoreNulls flags (earlier it was taking into account only index fields)

1.11.12, 2018-06-28

- Free&Pro: Text diff - show line numbers
- Pro: Text diff - sync horizontal scroll in bottom panel
- Pro: Object list - allow to indent SQL queries by default
- Pro: Fix "object invalid or no longer set" error on tables loading for some mdw-protected files

1.11.11, 2018-05-08

- Free&Pro: Fix copy to clipboard error (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN)

1.11.10, 2018-01-23

- Free&Pro: First run check for Access and Database Engine availability, suggestion to install Database Engine
- Free&Pro: Object list - adjust Name column width to take more available space
- Pro: Project tab - drilldown to batch data diff

1.11.9, 2017-10-31

- Free&Pro: Fix "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao'" error (was happened at least in some cases of Office 365)
- Free&Pro: Check DB Engine availability during file open
- Pro: Improve "Load field properties" performance

1.11.8, 2017-09-27

- Free&Pro: Fix few "Ignore all whitespaces" bugs (button state, settings saving, combination with leading/trailing whitespace option)

1.11.7, 2017-09-26

- Free&Pro: "Ignore all whitespaces" text compare option
- Pro: "Compare field properties" table structure diff setting

1.11.6, 2017-05-08

- Free&Pro: Fix some cases of mdb form/report/module diff failure

1.11.5, 2017-03-06

- Free&Pro: Fix "object reference not set" errors on drilldown to text diff from Find and from Object list
- Free&Pro: Hide "new+changed" for compiled objects (it is not valid since "changed" is not calculated)
- Pro: Basic adp/ade files support
- Pro: deny try to merge/delete if any side can not be changed (for example for compiled modules)

1.11.4, 2016-11-01

- Pro: 'Ignore binary content' forms & reports text diff option
- Pro: 'Ignore version and checksum' forms & reports text diff option

1.11.3, 2016-06-07

- Free&Pro: objects merge/delete performance improvements (load only new objects after import, don't reload all after delete)
- Free&Pro: allow to close hanged progress popup in case of unexpected errors
- Pro: keep dbAttachSavePWD table attributes during table import

1.11.2, 2016-05-21

- Pro: Import tables with data

1.11.1, 2016-05-17

- Free&Pro: remember last path of left/right file open dialog
- Free&Pro: update only affected object types after objects import/delete
- Free&Pro: objects import/delete progress
- Pro: Default 'Ignore whitespace' settings

1.11.0, 2016-02-10

- Free&Pro: Project tab - added 'new+changed' count
- Free&Pro: freeze row selection column
- Pro: RegEx search
- Pro: Excel export - using text format for text data, preventing Excel to reformat data

1.10.8, 2016-02-03

- Free&Pro: data diff - updated merge&delete confirmation dialog
- Pro: data diff - ability to merge&delete all pages
- Pro: data diff - ability to adjust field mapping in data diff

1.10.7, 2015-12-09

- Pro: Custom data diff - ability to merge (if target rowset allows)

1.10.6, 2015-11-24

- Free&Pro: data diff - treat dbText and dbMemo as comparable data types
- Pro: Query result diff - initialize right query text with left one on 'split query'

1.10.5, 2015-11-07

- Free&Pro: more user-friendly DB engine / Microsoft Access communication errors

1.10.4, 2015-10-08

- Free&Pro: fixed numbers comparison when sides have different numeric data types

1.10.3, 2015-09-23

- Free&Pro: Microsoft Access 2016 support

1.10.2, 2015-07-16

- Pro: Updated data retrieval technique, removed dependency on ACE OLE DB provider (this could fix some issues in batch data diff, custom data diff and query data diff)
- Pro: improved query key fields dialog usability (focus on the list and select first item by default)
- Free: ability to get a Pro trial

1.10.1, 2015-05-26

- Free&Pro: Added keyboard shortcuts for multiple actions
- Free&Pro: Data diff - first data merge confirmation
- Free: removed data diff, merge and delete limitations related to number of key fields and their data type
- Free: introduced single-instance Find tab

1.10.0, 2015-04-20

- Pro: 'Query result diff' tool
- Pro: Query data diff - updatable query now can be a target of the merge/delete action
- Pro: Query data diff - paging
- Pro: Custom data diff - paging
- Pro: Batch data diff - F5 shortcut for 'Run' action
- Pro: Next/Previous change shortcuts (Alt+Down and Alt+Up respectively)

1.9.7, 2015-03-22

- Pro: fix 'Cannot open any more tables' custom data diff error

1.9.6, 2015-02-28

- Free & Pro: rows and objects deletion (for only those rows/objects which can be selected, selectability logic was not updated and based on ability to merge)
- Free & Pro: close dialogs on Esc
- Free & Pro: minor file open progress improvements
- Pro: Custom data diff - remove on-click focus&editing (was not convenient for scrolling after click on dropdown columns)
- Pro: Batch data diff export to excel - fixed broken column labels

1.9.5, 2015-02-20

- Pro: fixed 'No current row' error for some multivalue and attachment data comparison cases

1.9.4, 2014-12-19

- Pro: fixed 'Offset and length were out of bounds' in the custom data diff during scroll of the big mappings list

1.9.3, 2014-12-09

- Pro & Free: allow data diff for read-only files
- Pro & Free: improved data merge error handling

1.9.2, 2014-11-20

- Pro & Free: improved file open error handling and stability
- Free: 'Submit full license key' in 'About license' window

1.9.1, 2014-11-16

- Free: Object list - fixed UI layout issue in the left panel
- Pro: Custom data diff - minor UI adjustments

1.9.0, 2014-11-10

- Pro & Free: fix error "'System.Windows.Documents.Run' is not a Visual or Visual3D"
- Pro: Custom data diff - compare any tables and query with ability to specify custom field mapping

1.8.1, 2014-10-13

- Pro & Free: select row on click outside of table columns for table structure diff
- Pro: select row on click outside of table columns for batch data diff
- Pro: move previous/next change in the object list, table structure diff and batch data diff
- Pro: show all/new/changed in the batch data diff

1.8.0 (Pro & Free), 2014-09-25

- Pro & Free: common binary package
- Pro & Free: for narrow tables - select row on click outside of table columns
- Pro & Free: fixed selection gray out for tables and references
- Pro: simplified trial/puchased license activation UI
- Free: installation package (not portable anymore)
- Free: removed header panel in object list and data diff
- Free: improved SQL indent, indent SQL button
- Free: file open progress
- Free: text diff, data diff and object list - synchronise row selection
- Free: performance improvements

1.7.9 (Pro), 2014-09-12

- fixed "Cannot open any more tables" data merge error

1.7.8 (Pro), 2014-08-17

- compression of form and report definitions ("Enable compression" option on the "Text Diff" settings tab)
- report "out of memory" forms & reports loading errors
- text diff view memory usage and performance improvements
- object list memory usage and performance improvements
- wrap text in the progress window

1.7.7 (Pro), 2014-07-28

- fixed N/A in batch data diff for tables with large text (dbMemo) fields
- fixed click on query from batch data diff (join keys are not required to show the SQL text view)
- added "Ignore table link options" setting
- added "Indent SQL text" button
- improved SQL indentation

1.7.6 (Pro), 2014-07-10

- fixed "Length cannot be less than zero" error in the Find tab
- fixed "You must use the dbSeeChanges.." error in the data merge for MSSQL linked tables

1.7.5 (Pro), 2014-04-08

- added default forms & reports diff mode configuration (module/layout/both)

1.7.4 (Pro), 2014-03-26

- fixed first run application start error

0.5.8, 2014-03-21

- text diff view - fixed underscore ('_') visibility
- fixed object lists sorting

1.7.3 (Pro), 2014-03-21

- added support of "Allow Zero Length" field property
- added all/none object selection in the file open properties dialog
- added default case sensitivity application option
- fixed broken field order on import multiple fields
- fixed alt-tab behavior for dialogs
- text diff view - fixed underscore ('_') visibility
- fixed object lists sorting
- fixed simultaneous horizontal&vertical scrolling synchronization for wide data grids
- removed old paging limitation comments in the Settings windows (that are currently not valid anymore)

1.7.2 (Pro), 2014-03-05

- fixed false mde/accde detection that could lead to not comparable modules, forms and reports

1.7.1 (Pro), 2014-02-25

- ability to deploy multiuser license key during installation

1.7.0 (Pro), 2014-01-29

- ability to load only particular object types

1.6.0 (Pro), 2013-12-11

- tables object list - tables import (without data, can be imported separately using data merge)
- tables object list - displaying a link icon for the linked tables
- table structure diff view - displaying linked table connection and source table name
- fixed bug "CascadeUpdate and CascadeDelete appear to be reversed in Relations object list"
- fixed bug when relations could be selected and merged without dependent tables
- fixed bug "The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect" in case of data merge when tables has different first fields

1.5.0 (Pro), 2013-11-23

- data diff - sorting
- data diff - improved performance
- data diff - removed paging limitations on fields count, security settings and multivalue/attachment/binary fields
- data diff - fixed some bugs next/previous change action across pages

0.5.7, 2013-11-04

- fixed "Input string was not in a correct format" error on file open

1.4.1 (Pro), 2013-10-12

- allow offline trial activation

0.5.6, 2013-10-11

- object list - case insensitive object name comparison

1.4.0 (Pro), 2013-09-23

- data diff - paging (with some limitations: compatible primary keys, not more than 50 fields, common security settings and no multivalue/attachment/binary fields)
- data diff - multivalue/attachment/binary support
- data diff - updated logic for tables with no keys, fixed some issues
- object list - case insensitive object name comparison
- text diff - per-character diff only for selected line (to improve performance)

1.3.4 (Pro), 2013-09-05

- table structure export to Excel
- fixed highlight of changed properties for Indexes and Relationships sections of the table structure diff
- 'All files (*.*)' file open filter added, support for any file as command line argument
- fixed file open failure in case of broken vba reference
- multi-user license support
- displaying license owner in the application title

0.5.5, 2013-08-23

- updated data diff algorythm: fixed data types compatibility issues, improved performance, introduced limitation for a number of fields
- digital signature added
- fixed broken column width synchronisation in data diff
- more stable handling of database locks during project load and object import
- updated color scheme for object list, like in Pro

1.3.3 (Pro), 2013-08-23

- fixed data diff failure for tables having a lot of fields and multi-field primary key at the same time

1.3.2 (Pro), 2013-07-01

- fixed broken row navigation for data diff and object list

1.3.1 (Pro), 2013-06-17

- fixed "object reference..." errors on the Project and Batch Data Diff tabs in case if only one project is loaded
- fixed broken navigation from Find tab to text diff view
- fixed misc. total count visibility issues in object list and text diff view
- fixed Find tab layout for Windows 8

1.3.0 (Pro), 2013-06-15

- mde&accde files support
- fixed bug related to unpredictable scrolling in text diff and data grids when user clicks somewhere near the top/bottom of the visible part of the list

1.2.7 (Pro), 2013-06-12

- batch data diff - queries support
- batch data diff - highlight changed counts

1.2.6 (Pro), 2013-06-11

- data diff for queries
- object list - displaying icons for additional actions instead of text
- improved performance of data diff view for tables that have a lot of columns

0.5.4, 2013-06-11

- object list - displaying icons for additional actions instead of text
- table diff view - removed clipboard support since it was not working properly for some cases

1.2.5 (Pro), 2013-06-07

- total counts for data diff and object list diff
- "selected row" panel for text diff, data diff and object list diff
- fixed Open Protected dialog layout for Windows 8

1.2.4 (Pro), 2013-05-31

- fixed broken text layout for Windows 8 in text diff view and some dialogs
- copy to clipboard action and button for text diff, table diff and object list diff views
- updated instructions and support email on activation popup form

1.2.3 (Pro), 2013-05-25

- digital signature added to application and installer
- display and merge indices and relationships from table structure view
- table relationships merge
- fixed fields merge - merging fields with their attributes (such as AutoIncrement)
- fixed ValidationRule field property processing - it could be displayed as changed after merge
- allow installation upgrade

1.2.2 (Pro), 2013-04-04

- table relationships diff
- VBA project references diff

1.2.1 (Pro), 2013-03-29

- fixed broken excel export bug (was introduced in 1.2.0)
- field properties loading made optional to speed up fields merge when they are not necessary
- settings form

1.2.0 (Pro), 2013-03-22

- table structure diff tab - ability to merge fields and field properties
- fixed application fall into background after file open / import
- fixed Project tab links activity after objects merge
- fixed tables search in Find tab, earlier field data type could be detected as a match

1.1.0 (Pro), 2013-02-05

- support of password-protected files
- command line support
- full license keys provided on per user basis (instead of per computer)

1.0.1 (Pro), 2012-12-16

- fixed data diff failure for tables without primary keys
- fixed briken row navigation with Next/Previous buttons after opening table diff in changed rows mode and the switching to all rows mode
- fixed application failure log location - changed to application data folder, in order to avoid permission issues
- fixed data merge for string keys

1.0.0 (Pro), 2012-11-29

- initial version of AccdbMerge Pro
- batch data diff: allows to compare data for multiple tables
- export to Excel: generates Excel reports for object list, data diff and batch data diff
- righlight selected row and navigating through changed rows with Next/Previous change buttons for text diff view and data diff view
- by-character comparison inside changed rows for text diff view
- find tab - drill-down links to occurrence with focus on target row in the text diff view
- compare tables with multi-column primary key
- more stable handling of database locks during project load and object import

0.5.3, 2012-10-19

- fixed a bug when corrupted query was preventing the file loading process

0.5.2, 2012-10-04

- changed text conparison algorithm, as a result some text comparison issues has been fixed
- ignore case/whitespace text comparison options
- fixed null reference error on new queries/forms/reports drilldown
- data diff for tables with multivalue/attachement fields made possible for Access 2007 installations (earlier there was an error), however the content of such fields is not being compared and displayed as N/A
- project tab UI adjustments - columns alignment and sorting object types in Access-native way (1. tables, 2. queries, etc.)
- handle unavailable linked tables errors
- omit hidden queries
- fixed module/layout switching bug

0.5.1, 2012-09-05

- object list made similar to data diff window, making easier to observe new/missed/changed objects
- show all, new, changed, new&changed objects and rows
- "compare data" drilldown with "only new or changed" option
- compare module/layout separately for forms and reports
- allow multiple "find" tabs
- selection buttons moved to toolbar
- fixed tab navigation for already opened tabs
- fixed toolbar synchronization with current selection

0.4.2, 2012-05-08

- compare indented query text

0.4.1, 2012-05-06

- table data merge
- "find" tab

0.3.5, 2012-03-20

- performance improvements related to table diff (now it is being opened faster and larger tables can be loaded)

0.3.4, 2012-03-13

- fixed "The value '0' is not a valid value for the enum ' '" error in object compare window
- fixed localization issue when object text did contain non-english characters (processing this text with current system ANSI code page)
- updated error handling for cases when some objects cannot be read due to MS Access protection or some other reason

0.3.3, 2012-03-11

- performance improvements related to tab switching

0.3.2, 2012-03-05

- table diff - highlighting missed columns

0.3.1, 2012-03-04

- initial version of table diff

0.2.2, 2012-01-12

- open database files with Shift key pressed in order to bypass startup code/macros

0.2.1, 2012-01-10

- *.mdb files support
- changed layout of object list (date formats)
- grayscale disabled merge buttons
- initial presentation of table structure (field name, DAO field type, field size)
- deny tables merge (because it can affect existing relationships)
- fixed bug related to replacement of existing object

0.1.1, 2012-01-09

- initial version