KS DB Merge Tools logo KS DB Merge Tools
AccdbMerge logo for MS Access
aka AccdbMerge
KS DB Merge Tools for Oracle logo
KS DB Merge Tools for MySQL logo
MssqlMerge logo
KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL logo
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KS DB Merge Tools for Cross-DBMS logo

Object List Tab

  • Opened from: Home tab
  • Applicable tab-specific toolbar actions:
    • Refresh information from database. Also updates information about the current object type on the Home tab.
    • Export to Xlsx or Json
    • Copy selection to clipboard
    • Show all, new and changed, new, changed, unchanged objects
    • Jump to the last, next, previous, first change
    • Select all, none, invert selection on the left, all, none, invert selection on the right side
    • Merge left selected objects to the right side, right selected objects to the left side
    • Delete selected objects on the right side, selected objects on the right side
  • Applicable object types: all

This tab lists all objects of some particular type - tables, modules, etc. Allows to identify whether some object is new, changed or unchanged. Note that for tables and queries it does not provide information about data/content changes, only about object definitions (like changed column data type for tables or changed select statement for queries).

for MS Access, object list tab

For most object types each side has only 3 columns: Name, Created and Modified. In this case Name column has a hyperlink that opens text diff tab with object definition, exclusion is 'Table definitions' object type that opens table structure diff tab for the Standard version. Object name cell can also contain some additional action buttons for some object types:

  • opens query result diff with select top 1000 records statement for this table/query
  • opens data diff for the given table/query
  • opens data diff for the given table/query filtered only to new and changed records
  • opens text diff for the given query, with opening it in indented view
  • opens text diff for the given form/report, with opening it in 'Show both layout and module' state
  • opens text diff for the given form/report, with opening it in 'Show only module' state
  • opens text diff for the given form/report, with opening it in 'Show only layout' state

Form/report action buttons are shown only for non-default comparison mode. For example, in settings dialog on the 'Text Diff' tab you can configure to compare forms as 'Module only' by default. In this case clicking on object name will show text diff with 'Show only module' state, 'compare module' button will not be shown, buttons to show both module and layout and layout only will be available.

Vertical toolbar between two panels contains additional tab-specific actions:

  • Replace selected on the right with selected on the left
  • Replace selected on the left with selected on the right
  • Compare two selected objects
  • Show table DL (foreign key dependency level) toggle makes visible DL column for tables. This value may help to understand the order of tables in the table merge script generated by the application. See Table DL for more information.
  • Show text preview in the bottom

When bottom text preview is active, it contains three more actions:

  • Show tab and space characters (the state of this toggle is synchronized with the same toggle in the Text diff tab)
  • Show text preview line totals
  • Show text preview selected line

At the top of the object list it shows changes summary for each side: total count of objects, new, changed and new+changed count. It also shows the number of selected records.

Also the top panel has a small quick filter button that allows to filter object list by name. This can be very convenient for large object lists. This action is also available with Alt+F keyboard shortcut.

Each object name has a selection checkbox nearby - so you can select the object with the mouse or with the Space button from the keyboard and do some further actions with the selected object - merge, delete, etc. Merge, Delete and Replace actions may have some limitations:

  • References currently do not support Merge, Replace and Delete actions
  • Replace is also not supported for Table definitions and Relations
  • Merge for Table definitions can be disabled because of disabled 'Load field properties' settings option. To make it work you need to enable that option on the 'File Open' tab of the Settings dialog.

At the bottom panel it shows information about selected object - either object name with create/update date/time or text preview.

Some object types have different columns in the Object list (other than Name, Created and Modified), it is: Relations, References and Import/Export specification.

See Also

Free Version Limitations

  • No bottom panel with text preview or selected object details
  • No Excel export
  • No jump to the next/previous change
  • No changes highlight in scrollbar
  • No top panel quick filter

Last updated: 2024-10-21