MssqlMerge can run in two modes - basic free version and paid Standard mode that provides extended functionality. On the first run application opens this dialog, asking you to choose which application mode would you prefer - Free, Standard Trial or to activate purchased key for Standard:
The dialog contains the following options:
Use the basic application features for free.
Can be changed later (see below).
Activate the free fully functional two-weeks trial of the Standard version.
Once the trial expired, you will be suggested to switch to the Free mode or to enter the purchased license key for Standard.
Requires internet connection, click Help to get details about offline activation if needed.
Please enter your purchased license key here:
You can switch later from Free to Trial/Standard and change Updates settings in the'Information about current license' dialog
Trial mode provides the same functionality as Standard for the period of two weeks. It has no functional limitations compared to Standard. When Trial expires, application will show the same Activation dialog, suggesting you to switch to Free or Standard mode.
Note that trial activation requires direct internet connection. If you don't have it, you can get a trial key by email. Please click on Help link - it will show another view with your application instance id:
Help section content:
Please contact MssqlMerge Standard support if you have any questions about the program activation.
In case of technical issues please provide the following information:
- OS Version (Microsoft Windows 7/8.1/10/11/whatever, 32-bit or 64-bit)
- Application Instance Id
Your application Instance Id is:
... (copy to clipboard)
Trial activation requires direct internet connection, proxies currently not supported. If no direct internet connection available, you can request trial key by email.
Click contact to send an email to with offline trial activation request and provide in that email your Application Instance Id. Then click Go back and Cancel to close the application and wait for an email with a trial activation key. This request is usually processed within a few hours, or up to two working days in exceptional cases. Once you receive the trial key, start the application again, select the Enter MssqlMerge Standard license key option, enter the key, and click OK to activate the trial license.