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Database Open Options Dialog

This dialog is shown when you open databases and used to customize database loading process. The Standard version provide the following options:

for MS Access, database open options dialog

You can disable some object types to speed up the database loading process. All dialog elements have appropriate descriptions. If you've chosen 'Don't ask me again' but need to change something after - you can do this using Settings dialog.

The Free version shows simplified version of this dialog asking only about how to process linked objects:

for MS Access, database open options dialog, Free version

Unlike the Standard version which shows this dialog before opening files, the Free version shows this dialog during database files open and only if openend file(s) has any related linked table or pass-through query. Since the Free version has minimal configuration and has no Settings dialog, the chosen option will remain active for the current application instance.

Free version limitations:

  • Only basic configuration related to linked objects

Last updated: 2022-12-27